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Wenyun Zuo

Research scientist
Department of Biology

I was a Howard Hughes Medical Institute interfaces scholar at the University of New Mexico in the Program for Interdisciplinary Biological and Biomedical Sciences. My PhD adviser is Dr. James H. Brown. I also worked closely with Dr. Eric L. Charnov. I have been engaged in research in many fields in ecology and evolution, including metabolic theory of ecology, life history, population dynamics, extinction, sustainability of economic growth, and human mortality. I have been interested in mortality patterns across species and the mortality caused extinction. I have also worked on patterns, dynamics and forecasting of human mortality over age 65 and mortality on early life (under-5). Lately, I am focusing on analyzing the effects of "pure" sampling variation on lifetime reproductive success. My interests include Population dynamics; Demography; Environmental impacts on gene expression and adaptation; Energy budgets at different scales; Environmental effects on energy budgets; Community structure; Biodiversity; Life history theory; Quantitative and theoretical analysis of macro-patterns in evolutionary ecology.


BASS 237