Pg 14, several thousand years ago, use of fire, cooking & protection (Richard Wrangham, Catching Fire) Pg 15, 9000-10000 yrs ago: agriculture, domestication: animal energy. Then 1000 yrs ago, sails, waterwheels, windmills Pg 16. Until about 1600, mechanical energy was human & animal, thermal was wood or dung Pg 17 By 1800, half of heat in UK from coal. But even by 1850, not in rest of world Pg 17-18, 1850 on: fossil fuels, renewables, modern energy Pg 19: Pop in B: 1 in 1800, 1.6 in 1900, 6.1 in 2000. Supply of useful energy GJ/cap per yr 0.05, 2.7, 28 & by 2020 34GJ/cap Personal energy equivalents in 2020: per yr, 800 KG crude, 1.5 t coal, 60 humans! Pg 19-20 Energy transformation in society, in evolution, in ecology, in economies Pg 21 -- cost of energy draws attention -- last year! Pg 25 High densities of energy in kerosene (jets), nuclear (submarines) Intermittent generation -- solar panels in Germany Pg 26 Energy density of fuels by volume, GJ/m^3 : 10 for wood, 26 for coal, 38 for kerosene Natural gas is only 34 MJ/m^3! = (1/1000) of kerosene Pg 27: Lubricants 120 megatons/yr, Asphalt 100 megatons/yr, Feedstocks for chemical products Pg 28-31 History and turbulence in oil markets. Today oil 33%, natural gas 30-50%, renewables 20-40% Intermittency -- Pg 31: storage and distribution